Gettin’ Fuzzy With It What’s So Fuzzy About It? Sometimes you know what you’re looking for in life, and other times you’re not so sure. The same concept applies to searching data when there’s so much of it. Whether you’re a cybersecurity analyst or a...
Splunk Professional Services What can we help you Splunk today? Everyone knows Splunk isn’t simple to use, maintain, or customize. An investment into a powerful data platform should give you results, which is where we come in. Deductiv’s certified experts...
Fun (or Less Agony) with Splunk Tstats Getting to Know Tstats Most of us have heard about how fast Splunk’s tstats command can produce fast searches, but there’s not much in the training materials to help us learn how to use it. SPL is already hard enough, so just...
Splunk CIM Performance Hacks CIM Data Model Optimizations The Splunk community has rallied around the concept of data models, and why not? Normalizing data into common field sets helps to build use cases regardless of what vendor your data comes from. Common...